
2021年1月3日—Note:BossaNovaisthe“default”drumsetpatternmanyarrangersusefordrumchartsonEVERYLatinstylecomposition.IncludingAfroCuban ...,Thekickdrumpartforabossanovaisanadaptationofthesurdopart.Itsaccentisonbeat2yetyou'llseemorerhythmandnoaccentsinthenotation.This ...,2021年1月13日—HiI'mShaunSchaeferonbehalfofExpertVillageandtodaywe'regoingtobelearning·howtoplayaBossaNovadrumbeat.,Learnhowtopla...

Bossa Nova Drum Set Style Essentials

2021年1月3日 — Note: Bossa Nova is the “default” drum set pattern many arrangers use for drum charts on EVERY Latin style composition. Including Afro Cuban ...

Bossa Nova Beat For Drum Set

The kick drum part for a bossa nova is an adaptation of the surdo part. Its accent is on beat 2 yet you'll see more rhythm and no accents in the notation. This ...

如何演奏Bossa Nova鼓節拍

2021年1月13日 — Hi I'm Shaun Schaefer on behalf of Expert Village and today we're going to be learning · how to play a Bossa Nova drum beat.

Improve Your Latin Drumming with Bossa Nova Beats

Learn how to play Bossa Nova drum beats for use within Latin music. This drum lesson will teach you four Bossa Nova grooves that you can use on your drum ...


Bossa Nova Drum Beat... Ostinato ... Full 3:2 Bossa Nova on ride.

Bossa Nova Drum Lessons #shorts

2022年10月18日 — Welcome to my 8-part step-by-step Bossa Nova Drum lesson shorts series. To help the learning experience, each drum lesson short contains a ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
